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S L O W A N D E R L U S T E R is a blog devoted to daily slow wandering and storytelling, travel, architecture, lifestyle, and finding the beauty of any kind in the everyday. 

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I N S T A - S L O W A N D E R L U S T E R

Mondays be like.

Back-to-school season is officially here and we've already started working intensely on new projects and ideas! My evenings are solemnly left with zero rest time, but that doesn't mean I am not getting super excited about it! I finally feel productive to the bone! I am still figuring out this new teaching challenge I've set to myself, although week after week I come to the realisation that it's not an easy task. It's going to take me a while long to learn the ropes. That's the good thing about it though: every day is a new challenge and nothing should be taken for granted. I, myself have a lot to learn from the students as well!

The first step towards getting where I want to be is deciding I am not going to stay where I am right now. Changes can go awry, but at the same time nothing changes if nothing changes. I guess you shouldn't expect to see ideal circumstances for something to happen, you just go ahead and do it. We put our own limits ourselves; if you can think of something, you can probably do it. So this is how my Mondays evolve these days. The change of weather this month is bringing along with it a fresh inspiration. A blend of colours and textures. These are the vibes I aim to bring in our little studio too; motivation and enthusiasm towards some good progress! All these little creations bring me so much joy every time I look at them.

Since I was little, I was taught I could achieve anything I wanted to, if I put my mind to it. From a very young age, I've learnt to take my own decisions and make my own choices, independently. This freedom and trust was earned with time and was not effortless, and it's what helped me be where I am right now. These are the values I am also trying to pass on to this young kids. I want them to have the freedom to let their imagination fly. When it comes to designing a stair, the sky is the limit. There is no beginning and no end. Just remembering that every choice they make results into something. Similarly, any design choices they take now will affect them more, or less later on when they will be building their physical models and construction details. Simple rules and a little progress each day, adds up to big results. Kudos to new Monday traditions!

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