Late alcoholic night thoughts.

I came across this today and it got me thinking -my brain of course drives me nuts for the past 29 years and cannot give me a break from thinking: “The only way in which one human being can properly attempt to influence another is by encouraging him to think for himself, instead of endeavouring to in-still ready-made opinions into his head.” I don’t see myself as any kind of influencer around here and that’s definitely not the point that I would like to underline, but I believe in authenticity and that beautiful things happen to you when you embrace who you are. We live in showy times. Nowadays, it’s so easy to unwittingly mislead and influence someone. That I know. And I am sorry if me, myself is doing it. I hope I am mostly inspiring with my posts and not v.v. Greek philosophers where right in so many things. Aristotle believed that knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom, and I totally agree with that. It takes time and effort to learn one’s self and not be our idea of what we think somebody else’s idea of ourselves should be. And it takes even more time to become a better version of that oneself. And after all, if you are the true you, there is no competition out there. I personally spent a good amount of years with myself and only, trying to understand my flaws and pros. And good things came out of it. Today I know what I want and who I want to try and be. Don’t be afraid of being alone with yourself for a while. Sometimes loneliness is wisdom. Summing up with another philosopher, like Socrates would have argued (if he was with us) to find yourself, first you have to think for yourself.