Thirty & Fabulous.
Waking up 30, all hungover and fabulous! It took thirty years to look this awesome!😂

A perfect year! There is nothing in nature that blooms all year long, so don’t expect yourself to do so either. But I am thankful for what I got. Life; it is what it is. Messy. But I feel blessed to be surrounded by love and a few people that reflect who I want to be. To have a few small achievements to be proud of. To always try and be the hardest judge of myself. I am marrying my truest friend. Above all expectations! And I am only looking forward to the idea of our new family. I am lucky to have friends that no matter the distance keep baring with me and loving me unconditionally. A big fat Greek Cypriot family always by my side supporting my decisions even when I’m being a pain in the ass. I have seen more of the world that I could ever dreamed of. Life can be hard at times, and it has been to me as well, but let’s try to see it beyond the imperfections. To everyone that has been part of this 30 years, my past, the present and for whatever the future holds, thank you! You had made my life exceptional and helped me become who I am today! No hard feelings! Cheers!