Slow Living Days

Remember those slow living days? They seem to be so far gone now. I get the feeling that autumn weather will inevitably arrive though. Until then, I am on inspiration overload to make a few ideas possible. I know I am just starting writing on this blog -and probably is going to take me a while until I get the hang of it and after un-posting my first 40 posts- but I am planning to make a habit out of it. So stay put and don't pay too much attention on those first shares. I am still learning how to use this thing. Lol

I am certainly not a blog expert, and I have no idea where to begin with, but I want to give it a try. So from September onwards, between university and work I am planning to make good use of the few hours I will be having left every night and dedicate myself into evolving my happy wife skills and try to slow down and find again joy in the little everyday things. There are so many things I missed during the past year. My books and films, more like my best friends. My cooking. Taking care of my plants with time and really meaning it. Photo sessions. Architecture tours. My little daily hobbies. It is true that I have always been sleeping very little. Maybe is time to change this too!

I have been really drawn on this blog idea, because it seems like a perfect excuse to do all the things I love at once, and do a lot of it! For the time being, let's enjoy the final summer countdown, because come September I will have so much work to do I am already stressing myself out! Fingers crossed! <3