It's all about the 'Tsougrisma'

Greek Easter is all about eating and eating some more. Unfortunately, this year we ended up celebrating Easter alone in our little home in London. We generally kept things simple, but decided to at least dye eggs and play the cracking eggs game, or else 'Tsougrisma'. We naturally dyed eggs, using white onion skins, blueberries, turmeric and raspberries and we then brushed them using a sponge to play with their patterns and texture.
1. Boil the eggs and leave aside to bring to room temperature.
2. Boil 4 cups of water, 2tbs vinegar, 1 tbs Salt with the fruit or vegetable colour desired.
For brown — blend up blueberries and add them to the water mixture. For orange — add onion skins to the water mixture. For yellow — add turmeric or cumin powder to water mixture.
For red/pink — blend up raspberries and add them to the water mixture
2. Boil for 15 minutes and then simmer for 10 minutes.
3. Use a strainer to pour the dye into cups
4. Wait until water is at room temperature
5. Submerge boiled eggs into dye.
P.S. For different gradients of colour, leave in for different amounts of time.