What I call FOSM.
FOSM -or else Fear Of Stretch Marks- is one of the biggest nightmares of every pregnant woman. While your body is transforming in uncontrollable and unexpected ways you begin to fear that sooner or later stretch marks will start making their appearance. The question is 'Can they really be prevented'? Researchers say that between 75 to 90 per cent of all women develop stretch marks at some point during their pregnancies.
We all know of people that have tried every possible solution and still got them, and people that did absolutely nothing and their skin couldn't have been any less flawless. At the end of the day, I believe it's a combination of good genes and a healthy lifestyle. In a nutshell, besides the genetic factor, if you follow a healthy diet rich in vitamin C, E and zinc, supplement yourself with vitamin D and you take good care of your skin massaging it on a daily basis with a moisturizer, you probably have done all that you could to avoid getting any stretch marks.
Choosing the right moisturizer however, is challenging. Every woman has a different skin type, body shape and is coming from a different mother. On the other hand, most of the cosmetics you used to apply to your skin prior to getting pregnant, are probably harmful for your baby by now. So before choosing any product, make sure to do the right amount of research on what could potentially put your baby at risk during each stage of your pregnancy. Reading about 'What to avoid during pregnancy' can make you go crazy at the beginning, but keep in mind that you always need to maintain a good balance between what you read and what you eventually apply in your life. Our grandmothers didn't have digital search engines and they managed to give birth to healthy babies for generations!
If you want to go the natural way and create your own non-greasy cream, try the following simple combo. A 2:1 mixture of almond oil and cold-pressed wheatgerm oil -I purchased mine from Naissance. Apparently this mix has been used by women for many generations, let's see what the results will be! I have also purchased a few different ready-mixed creams to try, see the full list below. I am currently in love with all Bio-oil products and especially the Bio-oil Skincare oil for scars, stretch marks and uneven skin tone. I love the smell and the texture, it feels so pure. I apply this oil all over my body and face!

Picture credits: https://yesmissy.com/25-bio-oil-benefits-uses/

3) Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter & Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks

My mom and sister both managed to stay stretch marks free during their multiple pregnancies, so I am hoping this will be the case for myself too. Although they both had kids on their 20s and had totally different habits than myself, I am trying not to make comparisons. At the end what matters is to give birth to a healthy baby and this is enough reason to be super excited, no matter the side damage :)