cot, moses basket, crib, bassinet or a hammock?

You are super excited about setting up your baby's sleeping area. Wondering whether the baby will need its own nursery room from the very beginning, or may as well stay at mommies and/or daddies' room. There is such a variety of bedding furniture one could be looking into, it can become overwhelming! We are currently going through an in between phase, not knowing where we will be settling in the following year, so we are leaning towards the option of bassinets or a smaller crib for the first 6 months. We both agree that babies definitely need to stay with mommy and daddy for the first few months, hence no need for a nursery room for the time being. Lucky us!
The crib -or any other bedding option- along with all the baby gear needed, stroller, car seat and carrycot can be quite pricy for first time buyers, so they are usually the last things you purchase a few weeks before your due date. I personally believe the 9th and final month is usually the best time to start putting together your nursery room or nursery corner with all necessary equipment from clothing, to nursing, to bedding. Pregnancies can be unpredictable and all these little thingies cost a fortune, so it's always better to stay on the safe side. Positive attitude and optimism are also part of the necessary gear you will require along this journey!
So, let's have a look on all the options we are currently looking at. Please feel free to drop me a line or message me on Chat with any ideas, inspiration or thoughts you may have from your experience or your concerns towards your decision. We are still exploring our options :)

Image credits @BreanneBenton / Instagram

Snuggle Me Organic Lounger and Moses Basket / Image credits Fin&Vince

Image credits @3LittleCrowns / Instagram

The Luna Bassinet (October) by Poppy's Little Treasures

Venus Bassinet by Sacred Bundle

Image credits @TheMiniSmiths / Instagram

Image credits @TheMiniSmiths / Instagram

Belle Bassinet, by Sacred Bundle

Macrame Hanging Baby Bassinet by Poppy's Little Treasures
We are generally leaning towards more sustainable, nature friendly materials, bamboo and earthy colours. Pastel and beige palettes with dark-green-forest and brown shades. Perfect gender neutral colour combos. How important do you think colours are for your little one's perception and cognition development?